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Oboro Fight 2
Male Sentinel
Female Sentinel
Oboro Orthographics
Blood Angel
The Red Orc
"Personal Mecha Illustration"
"Brasslands Character lineup"
"Tier 3 Armour Designs"
"Brasslands Houses"
"Brasslands Houses"
"Second Revision"
"Lightning Lady"
Torch prop
Backpack Design
"Jungle Ruins"
"Dragon Knight"


Graduated from The College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2013. During this time Boris, engaged in graphic design for his Residential College.


Went on to study at 3dsense Media School, Digital Design and Illustration course in 2014. Graduated in 2015


Worked with Touch Dimensions Studio out of Singapore to Strain Tactics, which has been released on Steam, Android, and IOS. From 2015 to 2017


Primary working tools include Photoshop CC, Blender and Sketchup. With a working familiarity with software such as After Effects and Unity.

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